Addons for items in wow
Addons for items in wow

addons for items in wow

An action in this case means searching, buying, or listing something on the Auction House. Reloading, re-logging, or waiting a few minutes would then reset this, but again only for twenty-five actions. However, after twenty-five searches, each search started taking four seconds - a significant difference. At the start of that session after the change, that’s how long each search took as well. That was a typical search time, prior to the day of the change. What is the change? The logs showed that while using an Auction House addon, searches on the Auction House normally took about 300 milliseconds each. This was questioned in the Blizzard forums, and received a response from a Blizzard Community Manager, explaining this was an intentional change to how the system worked. This change went in without any announcement or being listed in patch notes. Specifically, affecting how many transactions can be done within a short period of time.

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On June 16th, 2020, it was discovered by players - and confirmed by Blizzard - that there was a small change to the way that the Auction House works in World of Warcraft.

Addons for items in wow